The road to JavaScript Kung Fu

Over the past few years I have learned some of the basics when it comes to JavaScript, and jQuery. I can work my way through some sample code and make really cool animations with click events, but I haven’t mastered the art of JavaScript programming. The journey begins.

Over the next few months I will be diving into some books and online tutorials to further my knowledge of this amazing language that continues to grow. JavaScript can now be found on the server side and this is what influenced  me to expand my knowledge to learn the in and out’s of the language. A few books to mention are: Eloquent JavaScript,  Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, Simply JavaScript,  jQuery Novice to Ninja, and JavaScript and CSS Development with jQuery. Another suggested reading for me is Professional JavaScript for Web Developers.

My plan is to become a Kung Fu Master in JavaScript and better understand the new implementation on the server side like node.js, and to expand my knowledge in some cool frameworks like backbone.js.